Friday, October 26, 2007

My Little Soccer-Man!

We took Jace's soccer pictures just before his game last Saturday. I thought for sure we'd miss out because the actual picture day was September 15th, when we went to see the BYU @ Tulsa game. We'd bought tickets for the game about 3 months in advance, so we weren't going to back out of that...besides, who wants to miss a road trip in the fun bus?!! So Mark and I figured we'd just take pictures of Jace ourselves and get pictures of the team during the games. We let his coach know that we woudn't be there and she was sad but she understood. Well, when we came home from our trip, Coach Liz told us that everyone wanted to re-do team pictures because they all wanted Jace in there too, since he was part of the team! I thought that was so sweet. So, we set a date and time and these were the outcome. What a cute bunch!

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